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Techsat 2

Also called Gurwin Techsat, or Techsat 1B, also called GO-32 (Gurwin Oscar 32)


Designation 25397 / 98043D
Launch date 10 Jul 1998
Country of origin Israel
Mission Telecommunications
Launch vehicle Zenit #29

The cost of the satellite is estimated at $8 million. Launch cost: $400,000

It carries several scientific experiments.

In Feb 2004, the operator announced the scientific missions are completed but service to radio amateurs remains. The solar panel still provide 90% of their original capacity.

External resources


sat-index articles

Technical data


Prime contractor Technion University in Haifa, Israel
Mass at launch 48 kg
Mass in orbit  
Dimension 48 x 48 x 48 cm
Solar array 4 solar panels
Stabilization 3-axis
DC power 20 W
Design lifetime 3 years

It will carry an array of laser reflectorsin order to determine its position with an accuracy of 2-4 inches.

Techsat has a downlink on 435.325 MHz.

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